SERFIEX S.A. is a Risktech, FinTech and RegTech company created in 1993, leader in Spain and expanding in Latin America.

Riskco is a platform for banks and insurance companies, markets and supervisors, mutual funds and pension funds managers and non-financial corporations.

Riskco is an advanced financial technology, easily adaptable to any environment. Riskco also includes an excellent customer service.

Available at a fair price, Riskco offers the same high level of functionality as the leading brands.

Our most outstanding products:

RISKCO MANAGEMENT – Valuation, measurement, control and management of financial risk

RISKCO ALM SOLVENCIA II – Calculation of regulatory capital for insurance companies.

RISKCO BASILEA III – Measurement of structural risks. Projection tools. According to the requirements of Basel III

RISKCO CORPORATE – Valuation of financial instruments and financial risk management in non-financial corporations

DOR – After VaR comes DoR –Dynamic optimal Risk–.


Our offer includes valuation of illiquid, structured and complex assets, strategic consulting and compliance.


Antonio Cabrales Goitia


Santiago Fernández Valbuena
